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We can agree to disagree. If I’m endangered, or someone I love is, the gloves come off.

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Yes, agree to disagree. In a geopolitical sense, not an individual self-defense: no chemical weapons, indiscriminate targeting of civilians, no nuclear weapons, no torture, ... (lots of rules of war).

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Peter—where the Israelis and I part company is that I’m willing to break the same rules as my enemies break. If they use nukes, I use nukes, if they torture, so do I. I will have either a level playing field or one that tips to my advantage. I’m more practical than I am noble.

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If you choose to torture then you are no better than those you torture. If they rape, do you then rape?

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बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार है।

(Rape is the main weapon of Jihad.)


यहूदियों और मुसलमानों की जड़ें और रीति-रिवाज समान हैं।

(Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs.)



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Thanks for your non-response response. Respectfully noted.

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Didn't know you wanted more details. But since you imply that you do:

Raping people advances zero military goal, so no, not interested in that.

Torture sometimes can yield useful information provided the subject actually knows something useful and has a relatively low pain threshold.

I'm strongly against asymmetric warfare unless I have the advantage. Going to war isn't a game that you play by rigid rules, especially if the enemy is bent on annihilating you and your civilian group. It's a struggle for survival. And if you lose, you're the victim of genocide.

My family immigrated here from the old country about 110 years ago--Poland and Russia. My. grandfather bore the scars of the Kishinev pogrom. He was the one--and only one in his family--who saw what was coming and got out in the early 1910s. He remained unable to persuade the rest of his family to come to the US, even despite bringing them all over there for a visit in 1927. He continued to write to them well into the '40s, but he stopped getting answers in 1941.

All of them were murdered.

That was confirmed in 1946. I was born in April of 1947.

Please don't tell me who I'm no better than.

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बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार है।

(Rape is the main weapon of Jihad.)


यहूदियों और मुसलमानों की जड़ें और रीति-रिवाज समान हैं।

(Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs.)




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My family has a similar background as well. The problem with torture is that not only is it needlessly cruel, it very rarely produces reliable information. As to who one is "better than", our actions and motivations define us. I'll make sure not to be captured by you then🥸

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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