Your comment 'Gay men are notoriously superficial and narcissistic' I think is astute, and I would expand it to say that many single people of all types who get into their 40s are that way too (including me to some degree, I only married at 48). Part of the issue in not having a family in a normal time frame is that you find yourself with too much money and too much free time, and its easy to fall into bad habits. You eventually realize that life without family can be empty of meaning if you aren't careful, so 'activism' appears a a solution to this crisis of meaninglessness. With more and more single adults out there (and fewer kids and families, which is the current state of nation) there are more and more 'activists' and maybe fewer actual problems to solve. So there are lots and lots of St Georges out there, on a mission, and now just causing trouble.

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Once the alphabet people began a full-frontal assault on children and parents and families, the sleeping dragon started to awaken. This was an incredibly stupid thing to do. I disagree with the OP; the enmity towards same-sex attraction is being stoked, because it is now increasingly coupled in the public's mind with all manner of horrors and perversions. Look at your typical pride parade, and you will see what I mean.

My own public library has a section stocked with numerous pieces of child pornography. If I were to be found with this material on my person, I might very well spend the rest of my life in prison. I know why this is, since I have spoken at length with the person who demanded it be there; the head of our library system, who gives every indication of being mentally ill. But he has been shielded up to now by a sort of "gay privilege", which might be starting to crumble. We will see.

And to make matters worse, there are proposals among the modern alphabet crowd to pass legislation banning heterosexuality and "straight" families completely. This is the height of hubris, and it will fail.

But while this is going on, it has been true for years that homosexual males and lesbians have been disinvited from an increasing number of pride parades and other pride events. They are viewed as old-fashioned, and boring and old. The trans people, and increasingly extreme paraphilias, are the current rage, and they must be worshipped, without the distraction of old saggy aging fags and dykes. And there have been all kinds of claims that male homosexuals and lesbians are some sort of odd bigots because of their undecipherable longings.

In this, things have come full circle. The "treatment" of Alan Turing and homosexuals in Iran is essentially modern-day "gender affirming care". Turing committed suicide as a result. And Iran leads the world statistically in the number of transitioning treatments, since the alternative is execution.

It will be interesting to see how things progress. Because, it is my understanding, as a somewhat "tolerant" straight male observer, that a fury against the alphabet crowd and their over-reach is brewing among the public. This preening pretentious minority might very well reap what they have sown.

Just observe the school walkouts in Canada. Look at the Bud Light boycott. Look at the Disney boycott. This is not against the more extreme part of the alphabet agenda, but against ALL the "gains" this movement has made over the last few decades.

When I was much younger, I had a number of conversations with World War II veterans. When they discovered gay men in their ranks, they just fragged them, or threw them over the side of a ship underway to drown. They very matter-of-fact told me, "It was the kindest thing to do to those misfits". I was horrified at the time, but I understand it better now at this point in my life. Believe me, we are not very far away from returning to that period. The alphabet people have been pushing very hard for a very long time. And we might see blowback. These attitudes are just below the surface, even now.

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The Pride celebrations are increasingly explicit perversion, with simulated sex (at least I hope it is simulated), outright complete nudity, and all kinds of disgusting actions. People bring children. What kind of parents expose their children to this perversion?

It gets worse every year, too, because the Queer Agenda is "Épater la bourgeoisie" or "scandalize the middle-class". The boundaries must be pushed. Last year is the baseline, and this year the parade will be wilder, sexier, edgier. Normal people SHOULD stop this shit, but that's call "homophobia". Well, I'm getting more and more homophobic myself due to this queer shit.

This is the problem with the "progressive" mindset - when permissiveness is the main point, nothing is forbidden. That means that progressives increasingly include pedophilia. And that is why gay/lesbians are losing. When children are legit sex objects, normal non-pervert parents are not in agreement.

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Where I live, the sex is not simulated, I am sorry to say. The progressives are really asking for trouble. And, they might get it.

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What happened is that Big Alphabet groups (Human Rights Campaign) won the gay marriage fight, but then found that no one was willing to pay more money for a successful campaign. They won, and they lost. This is also called the "March of Dimes effect". To retain relevance, they had to shift the campaign, and trannie delusion became the "cause de jour". This carried the seeds of destruction, since trannie-dom requires surgical mutilation of children and the destruction of families. That's why gay marriage is losing ground - no one wants to see their daughter surgically remove the breasts before the breasts have served either sexual or nutritional roles.

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To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer.

Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned.

However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (primarily women).

Others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

Finally, it's past time for the LGB community to separate themselves from the trans activists who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and to privacy and safety in their restrooms, locker rooms and prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children many of whom would grow up gay.

Their actions are evil and the

understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent people who are just going about their business, marrying and leading their lives.

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You used a term that i was unfamiliar with, "The March of Dimes Effect." So I Googled it. I came upon another blog post by Gerald Posner dated July 3, 2024 ( https://www.justthefacts.media/p/pseudonyms-for-safety ). His concluding paragraph is as follows:

Personally, I look forward to a time when it is possible to discuss gender with a group of Democrat party mothers and professionals, or **print a critical email from a gay man about LGBT rights, and they will use their real names** without fear that modern day McCarthyites will punish them for expressing independent opinions that do not fit into a progressive orthodoxy,.

I added asterisks to set off the part that I thought was relevant to your post Leigh Revers. Posner's wish came true in less than one week!

You expressed concern for rolling back legal protections for gay marriage. I don't worry about that in the USA - we've got the SCOTUS which reveres its legal precedents. Once the SCOTUS decides something is a constitutionally protected right, it doesn't reverse itself, e.g. abortion. Oh, wait. Nevermind. Ever since Ruth Bader Ginsburg left the court, it's been kinda Ruth-less.

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Ooops - my bad! A commenter used the term "March of Dimes Effect" not the original essay by L.R.

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Some might wonder what this topic has to do with STEM. But I think it has a lot to do with STEM. In particular, it has to do with the credibility of STEM.

In the last few years, we have observed a troubling phenomenon. That is, STEM has become overtly politicized. Instead of being a sort of refuge from crazy political currents, STEM has been dragged into the fray. And people who claim that sex is a social construct, and that sex and gender are two different things, and that there are an infinite number of genders, claim that this has all been determined by "science". And yet, WPATH, the international organization that lays out "best practices" for "gender affirmation", has been hiding a lot of actual evidence of harm. As more scientific evidence of increased harm from suicide, and increased risk of cancer, and many other horrors surfaces, it makes "science" look ridiculous. Of course, there was little if any "science" (aside from pseudoscience) behind any of the claims of the alphabet people. But the result, for the public, is that the image of science is harmed.

The same thing is going on in other politically-charged subjects, like global climate change , the covid19 pandemic, "body positivity" and energy sustainability, etc. As contrary evidence surfaces, people using "science" to push some questionable political narrative end up hurting the credibility of science itself.

The public barely understands what science actually is. And misappropriating "the science" (to the point where one person even claimed he personally was synonymous with "the science") and its supposed respectability does significant damage.

So actually, the tendency of the alphabet crowd to claim some position of authority and virtue based on "science" is not only nonsense, but it is doing real long term damage.

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Old straight lady here. I find the trans stuff bizarre.

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