Rational discussions concerning transgender in universities are the third rail in which far too few people have the courage to speak and far too many are petrified about what will happen to their kids. This is an excellent essay that can provide the basis for those discussions. Thank you for writing it.

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the eventual backlash on all this is going to be epic

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Gays Against Groomers, of which I am a member, is one of several organizations of lesbians and gay men that are working to stop the alphabet groups that have hijacked the gay rights movement.

There are now LGB Alliances in many anglophone countries, including the USA and UK.

Increasing numbers of lesbians and gay men are realizing that we are being harmed by those who advocate for “transgender” and “queer” “rights”.

Men who claim to be “transwomen” are invading lesbian social spaces, pressuring younger and otherwise vulnerable lesbians to date them, sometimes sexually assaulting women.

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Most Canadians agree that "Canada is broken." (I won't bore you by listing the thousand ways this is true). We might have expected "the collective wrath of the majority of Canadians who are, like a sleeping dragon, being stirred into a fiery and retributive rage." But, no, nothing. If Canadians don't care that Canada has turned into crap, I can't imagine that the antics of newly invented genders and public antics of fringe freaks would bring "fiery and retributive rage." Even sugar daddies for six year olds--ho hum. We are too far gone.

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Once again, Leigh Revers has presented us with a brilliantly written and beautifully argued essay. It is compelling, and it captures the current situation pretty accurately, from my perspective.

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Alfred Hitchcock, my good man. Not Albert

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Well-written, although at time a bit turgid. However, I am already moving in the direction hinted here. I blame the LBG. I no longer agree that the LGB should be accepted. I will tolerate them, at a completely minimal level. But accept? Promote? The LGB CHOICE is a poor one, and leads to a life of unfulfilling personal enjoyment.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

There are millions of lesbians and gay men who disagree with you that we have lives of "unfulfillng personal enjoyment". We do not make a "choice" to be romantically and sexually attracted to others of our sex. Do you really think that if we are not heterosexually attracted we should nevertheless pursue heterosexual relationships? To what end? You will tolerate us, but only at a completely minimal level? What does that mean? We do not need you to "promote" anything or even to "accept" us. Just let us lead our lives in civil society with the same freedoms that you have.

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As I have previously written, tacking on all these other paraphilias and fetishes and nonsense to LGB is leading to a backlash.

And yes, the current alphabet fad DEMANDS, effectively or even literally at gunpoint, the promotion and celebration of all this stuff. Most of the mass shooters in the US are trans individuals, lately. There are lots of trans groups in the US who are training for violent attacks on the public, like Rainbow Reload. A large fraction of the violent Antifa protesters who are arrested are trans. The probability that a transwoman is a sexual predator or sex offender is more than 600 times greater than a woman, and still substantially more than a "normal" man.

After the Convenant School shooter Audrey/Aiden Hale was stopped by police on March 27, 2023, the trans community was outraged. They organized an armed "March For Vengeance" in DC, just a few days later, because they were so angry that Hale had been prevented from shooting more people. Only counter-threats lead to the March For Vengeance being called off.

In the public libraries near me, there is actual child pornography that is available for children to peruse and to check out. All in the name of the alphabet crowd's "liberation".

This sort of stuff gradually starts to irritate and annoy the general public. And that even includes "regular" homosexuals, as one can discern from the formation of groups like "Gays Against Groomers".

So maybe you personally just want to be left alone to live quietly. But there are people who have co-opted your identity to push nonsense, violent anti-social nonsense. And whether you support it or not, you will probably be lumped in with the rest of the alphabet people. I think this is highly unfortunate and sort of ridiculous, but it is reality.

I will also note that I am increasingly observing "standard" or "conventional" or "traditional" lesbians and gays being disinvited from assorted pride events. They are too old, and too boring, and too prudish, compared to the flashy young hip TQ+ crowd. So today, gays and lesbians are not just being subjected to medical conversion therapy, but they are being denigrated and discarded by the very alphabet movement that claims to represent them.

Things are reaching a crescendo. I am not sure what will happen next.

My best friend is a very prominent and famous homosexual rights law professor. I have not asked him what he thinks, but I suspect he is probably not that pleased with seeing all the hard-won progress being sort of hijacked by a bunch of foolishness and corporate virtue signaling.

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Well, since 1968 or so, increasing levels of "tolerance" are required. Drag queen story hours, fetish play in Pride parades, perversions of all sorts. The queer agenda has one interest - the normalization of pedophilia. LGB persons are unable to stop this. They don't even bother. They defend drag queens, despite the huge component of misogyny and women-hatred clearly evident in drag. LGB clearly define drag and other out perversion as a demand and requirement. And the notion that pornography is stored in grade schools is not exaggeration. Many of these books are explicit pornography, and explicit attempts to push LGB on children.

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Most people I know accept gays. Trans, they accept with reservations: no surgery or drugs for minors, no trans women in women’s sports.

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My impression that as long as people are not affecting others unduly, that people will not really kick up too much of a fuss. It is when these movements start to impact others, and particularly kids, that the issues start to develop.

The alphabet crowd was sort of intoxicated by their seeming effortless early successes and the lack of resistance, that they started going further and further afield. They started to aggressively push the boundaries.

And others, like MAPs, who had been petitioning for victimhood status for decades (remember NAMBLA, for instance?), saw their chance, and swooped in. And eventually, resentment was going to start to build. And that is where we are now.

What will the future bring? I am not sure.

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