This is an excellent albeit depressing piece documenting Woke antisemitism. Antisemitism and other forms of hatred directed towards identity groups are integral part of identity-based ideologies that depart from the humanistic ideal (treating people as individuals) and engender the Critical Theory view on people as representative of a certain group or class and, by mere fact of their existence, contributing to their class' collective agenda. One could write books about this. I fact, books have already been written (see, for example, Cynical Theories by Lindsay and Pluckrose).

People of my background can easily see parallels with Marxism-Leninism, which treated people as representatives of their class and analyzed everything through the lens of class struggle (proletariat versus bourgeoisie). Once such "Critical" view is adopted, the rest follows. I invite those who claim that the parallels between the Woke take-over and the past totalitarian regimes are exaggerated to compare the following quote from Latsis (senior security officer from Cheka -- google to learn about his role in Red Terror) with the above mentioned quotes from Kendi. Here is how Latsis describes how "Red Justice" was administered by Cheka:

"First you must ask him to what class he belongs, what his social origin is, his education and profession. These are the questions that must determine the fate of the accused. That is the meaning of the Red Terror." -- Martin Latsis.

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