Thank you for doing what so few have the nerve to do. As herd animals, most humans just put their heads down and try not to attract attention. You have stepped out of the box, to the benefit of MIT and academia.

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I applaud each and every one of you for your bravery in seeking to establish free thinking and free speech at MIT. You are challenging narratives that have been firmly cemented at Universities all across our great country. You give me hope for the future, and I pray you remain steadfast in your pursuit! Don’t lose hope...whether you realize it or not, you will be the ones to usher in the great awakening our society desperately needs.

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Great work. There is hope for science yet.

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Godspeed to you brave students of MIT! May you defeat our common enemy and go on to flourish.

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Excellent! Cheers and all the best!


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It is my sincerest hope that there are two subdivisions of your group, one tasked with keeping the goals right in the front of the MIT culture, and another building a coalition of colleges and universities that adopt the same set of goals at their schools. (You can start at Harvard.) The annual convention would be a hoot...

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In order to prove that you really want to explore controversial fields, may I suggest that the first topic that you write about be that of IQ and race? Why is there a persistent 1 SD gap between black and whites in IQ?

Your article should cite twin studies and large sample genome-wide association studies done by people like Robert Plomin who has done extensive work on the heritability of intelligence.

If this topic is too "hot" for you, then you're really not here to explore overlooked ideas right?

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