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I think this is a great idea. And I notice that Heterodox STEM continues to gain subscribers. And a lot of the articles gain a lot of "reposts" too. I think it stands a good chance of becoming seriously influential (at least, I hope so, anyway).

This is sort of like a journal of sorts, with Dorian as the Editor-in-Chief.

Eventually, maybe there could even be Heterodox STEM conferences, virtual or otherwise. Because of the controversial nature of some of the content, some presenters could appear as anonymous avatars with AI generated images and voices. The recent Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) conference in London highlighted the need for a separate venue for Heterodox STEM public presentations, because many complained that ARC was more focused on social and political views. These are important, and I hope ARC grows and develops into a counterweight of sorts against the WEF in Davos, but STEM needs a prominent voice as well in our current environment.

I notice that the Heterodox Academy (a project of Jonathon Haidt, I think) has a Heterodox STEM division. Some online believe there is some connection between these two Heterodox STEM entities, but I suspect there is not, and this is just confusing some people. I appreciate Haidt's efforts and ideas, but as a psychologist, Haidt really lies on the other side of the divide between the "Two Cultures".

I think those of us in more "hardcore STEM" (I do not know what else to call us; we need a better term for ourselves perhaps) need to speak out as well against this virulent toxic movement that is threatening to destroy our disciplines. We cannot survive if "reason" and "mathematics" and "truth" and "rationality" and "empirical evidence" are discarded, as the woke enterprise seeks to do.

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