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Classy....... LOL

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Perhaps not, but this character is a classic obnoxious troll. He needs to be discouraged from trolling.

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Now you're gossiping about me behind my back to the 64 year old chemist who seems to have given up. How "woke" of you. I liked Chemistry in 1967 where most of the course was about Stoichiometry --- Stoic balance among the stoicheons/elements of ancient Greek alchemy advanced from the ancient 4 stoicheons (air earth fire and water) to the 100 and some of Mendeleev's atomic table of elements. I got the 2nd highest mark among students from the Alberta "Tundra" in the departmental examinations that year. As to obnoxious, be careful with what judgment you judge --- little snot-nosed twerp. In my day, at your age, with your attitude, you would be missing more teeth than you have brains.

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Yeah, like your method will work....... LOL

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Probably not. But we are facing a serious situation. And I think allowing those on the side of darkness to run rampant without any pushback is not a great strategy either.

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Why do you "think" that I'm on the "side of darkness", twerp? You propose to "push back darkness" with illogic and gossip. Good luck with that tactic. There is no "we" facing a serious situation. There is just you and me in this argument, twerp. The chemist can't save you.

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Better to present a cogent argument and then laugh at him when he decides to change the subject or deflect the rhetorical attack from himself back at you, saying that is a typical response from the deranged.....

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He doesn't know how to present a cogent argument, Mr. Chemist. So far he is only demonstrating simple minded fallacies. I would never call him "deranged". He is just inexperienced. His STEM might be math more than engineering/plumbing. But he hasn't answered as to plumbing, math or what? We become like what we love or what we hate. He hates "woke". He has become "woke". I love Socrates. Tell him to answer my questions ---- beginning with the first one. He can't laugh at me, given how angry he has become. He simply doesn't have "the chops". I was dealing with "Wokesters" in my discipline, on their own terms, before the little twerp was even born. Neither you, nor he, can teach me anything about either DUMB GIRLS or DULLER EFFEMINATE BUREAUCRATS. That is exactly what the "woke" are. But we men are not allowed to punch their teeth down their lying throats anymore --- as in the "good old days" of my misspent youth.

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