All the power to you!

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Good news and bad news.

The good news is that you're a brave soul - cheers!

The bad news: how does academia recover from this ruin?

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Interesting story, I think this is happening in many universities. I do not think that we should legislate this out though, we just need to have free speech promoted and enforced and the best ideas need to win. Hiring and promotion based on race, sex, or ideology is illegal in public universities but it is widely practiced, we need to stand against this.

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JPV writes rationally and calmly. I find it very difficult to understand why woke, crt, cancelling etc can survive with the air of publicity that should surround it. These hateful ideologies are inexcusable and still exist because hateful people enjoy spouting hate and listening to hateful mantras.

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Good news and bad news.

The good news is that you're a brave soul - cheers!

The bad news: how does academia recover from this ruin?

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This might be of interest. From another student dealing with the same thing...

An excellent explanation from a young female grad student. This short video should be required viewing for every student going into university.

"Social Justice in a Nutshell"


via @YouTube

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