Wow...impressive. This sounds like a great conference.

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Excellent initiative - thanks and cheers!

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The West is unfortunately headed towards a destination where a Parallel Society is needed in many areas.

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Absolutely correct. We have to duplicate many things and create a parallel economy and alternative schools and maybe even courts and who knows what else. The woke are destroying everything.

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When all is said and done, we will be very very lucky if STEM survives at all. The forces of darkness have breached the gates, and they have ALL the power and ALL the resources.

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I am honored to be able to help support this important conference!

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Ann, a good article.

You seem to have a healthy attitude towards males, so I would guess that you did not take University Humanity Classes and Gender Study False-Witnessing manhood reputation destroying classes, or not enough to over-ride your good loving experiences with men you trusted and they protected and provided for you and your brothers(?), You very well could be the mother of 2 or more boys which changes a mothers because she gets a shot of Testosterone from her growing son - enough to unscramble the illogical grasping Virgina-focused neuronic delusional psycho baby-murdering insane vicious retarded-based male-resentment and fear that most 'Professional' educated women are.

And unlike many or most of your peers you look at health productive men-working system and do not see 'Patriarchy', but see a competence hierarchy where every man knows his place, and his job, and enjoys working hard at it .. you know like it was in the early 1970's before vileness sick baby-murdering mind-rotting insanities festering with 3rd wave Feminism and hyper-empowered marching through every well-ordered place, destroying every family, toxically-poisoning every work-Enviromint, every male area, with their tit's-out F-me-shoes' honey trap to get men fired because other women and HR departments will always lie and enjoy destroying men's lives and murdering-Joy and hoping he dies homeless on our feces covered streets, and maybe that weekend you will file a false rape accusation with the police for extra sexual psycho pleasures. Unlike you, perhaps?


A Proposal for change in society where citizens may earn full Civil Vestiture through 4 or more years of Service to local, regional, and national requested projects, with possible international Service through exchange with Nations that have similar programs in place.

Allowing only citizens with full Civil Vestiture; to vote, to work for Government, to run for Government positions, to have full contract rights, to testify in court with full trust, to hold positions of power over others, and other positions or responsibilities that require a displayed significant level of virtue.

-Studies in Parental Fraud prevalence and False-Rape accusations filed with police argue that in general women's testimony in court and elsewhere should be given a significantly small weight compared to men's general trust value.

Proposal to use those two (and perhaps other's) type study results for the last 5-years to calculate what women's Trust weight should be for court testimony and other aspects where personal or professional trust is important. And find similar method to measure and calculate what men's Trust weight should be.


A Proposal for a change in legal system that addresses a huge group of crimes that are not and should not be addressed in our increasingly Sick unJust many-tear Western judicial system.

Before fatherless, delusional, male-hating, self-loathing, forced acceptance of intellect crippling insanities, delusional lying psycho indoctrinating mothers, women teachers, [white] anti-male racist society, and media mind-raped, women-worshiping, mind-castrated men, ..

.. and before women became Hyper-empowered in family, social, legal, political systems in the West it was possible and socially approved that so many - now immune from correction or threat of correction - social and personally damaging crimes such as; lies, reputational attacks, intended failed promises, below-standard expressions of virtue, and other similar issues & crimes could be addressed immediately with a physical slapping or beating, and that was considered a [loving] correction for the criminal-predator that was abusing a person or people and killing social trust and standards, and it was considered a service from their victim or other(s) responding to the inJusice and damage to society. And involving police and Lawfare was considered by society as inappropriate including by the police that would laugh at a fist-fight and courts would not entertain such cases, for none but the most extreme cases – such a the punishment leading to crippling or death.

I recall that the old system of personal correction was effective. When I was a young man from before high school and with my summers working on a farm in crews of mostly men, and all through the period until entering professional environment in a basic medical university research lab the threat of response was effective, with the rare exchange of physical violence to announce that the wages of disrespect would bring violent exchange.

My employment at that University where reputation attacks and disrespect had to be swallowed like dog-vomit, where violent correction, or the threat of, to correct the situation was to lose employment and damage future career prospects and livelihood. This being known, so many vile slimy dishonorable women found entertainment in targeting and abusing [white] men, with assumption of man-bad women-victim, and the social stigma against hitting a women along with HR department of vile male-hating Witches that will destroy a man's professional life with an unJust 'has trouble working with women' record entry, and likely termination of employment, and other such vile institutional, legal and social [white] man-hate gave those women abusers immunity to torment men for fun, and for me - turning a once dream job into a toxic joy-murdering hell.

.. after suffering that hellish situation for years, I can entertain the argument that dealing with such abusers for self-protection and for defense of others might require them being pushed down a stairwell and then stepping on the back of their neck - if and when possible, too do it and not face the Sick justice system.

And whenever I hear a sexist retarded ignorant and-or mind-raped person say that it is wrong for a man to hit a woman, I respond that it depends on what vileness putrid evil action(s) the women did and usually add that I have known women that a knife in the throat seemed justified.


A proposal for change in society that women act and adapt to men's productive work systems and virtues. That our now mostly mind-raped baby-murdering unJust-based male-hating and male-fearing, legally, socially, and employment unwritten policies immune, meritless-hired, competency-hierarchy breaking, productivity-reducing, drama & sexual-displaying dress distracting, entrapment, and abusing, toxic work environment women co-workers, HR anti-man policy creators and enforcers, and managers, that will almost always lie to cover-up, support the woman, of join in a rabid-dog vicious attack of the man in a man-woman conflict or if a man reports or complains of a woman's abuse of him or other men, or act badly, .. that those women unable to function with the man's virtue standard are not hired under punishment of them and compensation from business for creating vile toxic work environments where we men and decent women are forced to suffer such poisonous vile destructive dangerous women.


Can you imagine anyone that would want this censored because their VagFeelies hurt by reading it?

God Bless., Steve

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