Everything was just fine until the summer of 2020, at least in my discipline of finance and the business school, or so I thought. I had never heard of social justice or white privilege until then, when it began spreading on social media like an STD (sexually transmitted disease) through a nursing home. I am aware they now call these STIs (sexually transmitted infections), but I will remain with my old terminology, thanks! The taxpayer-funded university that I am employed at started behaving very strangely, as if it had been overtaken by race-and-gender-hustling administrators. I did appreciate when the late, great Dr. Walter Williams referred to these folks as a hybrid of a parrot and jellyfish. Their very large administrative stipends (hundreds of thousands of dollars per year) depend on them not being ousted by some loud, obnoxious group of social justice misfits led by the left-wing, progressive activists masquerading as academics on campuses everywhere. At this point in time, it appears that America’s colleges and universities have contracted an ‘SJI’ (social justice infection). And these woke-infections are not nearly as fun to contract as the aforementioned ones.
Picture of the author, a WTF GAYPOC MF’Er fighting massive DIC
As a WTF (white, tenured faculty), I believe it is my obligation to speak out about the ignorance and toxicity that permeates our campus. After all, I am a Georgia taxpayer, so I am helping fund these woke initiatives. For example, we have a “Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence.” That really takes the cake! Personally, I call this the “Division of Discrimination and Exclusionary Ignorance.” It’s almost as if the African-American Studies departments and the Women’s/Gender Studies departments had a baby, and decided to name it DEI and created the ‘Diversity Office’ as the baby’s nursery. As a concerned taxpayer, I am not interested in paying for this divisive center on campus any longer and have alerted state legislators. I alerted my business school colleagues in an email sent in March 2022 about these divisive ideologies that have come into the business school and are affecting our students. And some administrators were not very happy with me, but I could care less. Having met with several constitutional law experts gives me the insight to fight the good fight, and I have met many amazing professors nationally who are in the trenches of common sense alongside me.
I had heard of safe spaces but didn’t realize how ridiculous they were until I attended the university’s “LGBTQ+ Safe Space Training.” I am a GAYPOC (homosexual person of Caucasia), not to be confused with BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color). It was embarrassing for me to see my heterosexual colleagues asking questions about many of the completely made-up terms, as if there is some kind of “community” consensus. At the end of the almost 4-hour training, I asked the presenter one question. How many LGBTQ-hate crimes (reported, investigated, and confirmed) have taken place on campus in the last 15 years. The answer was they didn’t have that data. BINGO!!! Let’s make a certain population of campus feel like victims before they are victimized. American college campuses are some of the most welcoming environments towards everyone and to pretend otherwise is nefarious. I consider myself not represented by the obnoxious activists that are the loudest in the “LGBTQIA++LMNOP……more letters to come” alphabet cult. If Candace Owens wants to help me get GLEXIT going (The Gay and Lesbian Exit from the Alphabet Cult), I would love to hear from her!
Lastly, I believe that we can organize, at the national level, around the ideas of merit, fairness, and equality (MFE) presented by Dorian Abbot and Ivan Marinovic. There is a National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE) website that is obviously politically left. DEI is the political trojan horse that infected our campuses with woke, left-wing ideologies. They espouse antiracism (current discrimination of whites to fight past discrimination of non-whites) and supposed social and racial justice. There must be balance restored on campuses and I think a ‘National Association of MF’Ers’ is way overdue. The lead officer (even if not recognized by the universities themselves) could be called the Chief MF’Er! I’ve been called a mf’er before, however, this time I would be proud to carry the title. We could have a national convention once a year and espouse true missions of the university through MFE. Each school could have a chapter, even if it just became a faculty-led, student organization. What do you think?
Losing my mom in 2013 is the toughest thing I will ever go through. Having gone through this personally tragic event gives me the personal will to call out the existing toxic environment for many of us on campus. I will use my WTF, GAYPOC circumstances to support merit, fairness, and equality (MFE), through my self-identity as a Chief MF’Er! America, it’s time to DEFUND, DISRUPT, and DISMANTLE the DIC! Where DIC is the ‘diversity industrial complex,’ not what you may have been thinking.
Yours truly, and allergic to BS here,
No-Play Dr. Bray
(David E. Bray, Ph.D.)
Twitter: @NoPlayDrBray
Email: NoPlayDrBray@outlook.com
P.S. One of my worst students (nothing to do with grades but lacking self-accountability and of poor character) gave me the ‘No-Play Dr. Bray’ moniker in a handwritten letter to me at the final exam, instead of completing the exam and earning a grade. Most of my students are reasonable and intelligent adults.
Amen, Dr. Bray. Yes, DEI is a Trojan Horse:
Well stated. I really like the idea of connecting up with Candace Owens Dave Ruben might not be a bad idea either.